Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ceramic Box

I had done a sketch of a small ceramic box that I have --I did it in pen- then did a watercolor wash over it. I was not at all happy with it and just made notes to myself regarding lessons learned and never intended to put it up on the blog. Today I decided to reward myself for doing only ink sketches all week and went back and did the ceramic box in colored pencil, one of my favorite mediums.

Here is what I think -The perspective is still off - I think that if I had taken more time to get the perspective a little better in the first ink sketch I would have liked it as much or more than the color pencil piece -- I spent maybe five or ten minutes on the first piece and probably close to two hours on the pencil piece - I have not worked with water color seriously since the 3rd grade - so, I think, with practice, ink and watercolor washes will allow me to be more creative and spontaneous --

I am really glad I am forcing myself to try something different & that I joined EDM


kazumiwannabe said...

Your second drawing is really fine, the color and texture are great. The perspective seems all right to me, but then, it's subjective. I noticed, for my part, tha the more the form I try to draw is simple, and the more my drawing is wrong, or seems wrong to me even if i got the dimensions right.

Margaret Ann said...

Your colored pencil drawing is really nice...I am a lover of colored pencil as well.

Keep at the watercolor...but don't frustrate yourself with it...keep up the writing of notes to yourself too...file them away for awhile...and look at them several months in the will be surprised at how much you will grow. Most importantly HAVE FUN with your art...:) And, glad you enjoy the group! :)

Anetka said...

I like your sketchcrawl sketches:) and I really enjoy reading your notes:)

great work!

Timaree said...

I think you are right, it's only the off perspective on the ink sketch that keeps you from liking the first picture. They both look fine with the color you added. I sketched my coffee mug and it looks off-kilter but that's really how it looked so I did it; nect time I don't think I will as it doesn't "read" right on my page just like your first picture here. Practice, practice I guess but don't give up on the watercolor.